• (207) 458-6943
  • 134 Main St 3rd Floor, Suite D, Winthrop, ME
  • Access by back of building

Massage Therapy

in Winthrop, ME

About Sarah McCrimmon LMT and Herbal Wise Therapeutic Massage

For professional massage therapy in Winthrop, ME, contact Sarah McCrimmon LMT at Herbal Wise Therapeutic Massage & Holistic Health. As a licensed massage therapist serving Kennebec County, ME, residents, Sarah has training in a variety of therapeutic massage modalities. Click on services and rates to learn more about these various techniques.
New! $5.00 off your first massage and 15% off your recurring
scheduled appointments! Schedule weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly!

More About Sarah McCrimmon LMT and Holistic Health Services

Massage therapist Sarah McCrimmon graduated with a certificate in massage at Panacea School for Integrated Health in Hallowell, ME. She has a strong background in herbal studies, taking classes and correspondence courses for many years. Her specialty is making herbal salves, oils, liniments, and teas that complement any massage session.
Sarah combines neuromuscular therapy, kinesiology, deep-tissue Swedish massage, and holistic health and energy work in her massage sessions. She specializes in pain management, either from an old injury or poor posture, using tools and skills learned throughout her studies. Experience soothing and beneficial paraffin wax treatment featuring mitts and boots. If an aromatherapy massage or hot stone massage sounds interesting, call or contact us today!

Services and Rates for Professional Massage Therapy in Winthrop, ME

Neuromuscular Therapy

60 minutes: $80 | 90 minutes: $120
Neuromuscular therapy is a system of massage using techniques developed in the 1930s by Dr. Stanley Lief in England. It uses a holistic approach toward healing, emphasizing and stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Neuromuscular therapy also enhances the function of joints and muscles and accelerates the overall healing process by facilitating the release of endorphins.

Hot Stone Therapy

60 minutes: $90 | 90 minutes: $130
Hot stone therapy is a style of massage where the therapist places heated stones at specific sites on your body. This deepens relaxation and promotes circulation in your muscles. Muscles heated with these stones release tension and stress much more deeply and quickly than with a traditional massage. The overall experience is very relaxing, nurturing, and rejuvenating.

Swedish Massage

60 minutes: $80 | 90 minutes: $120
Swedish massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes, such as rolling, kneading, and percussion. This helps the body to improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging. They include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility.

Pregnancy Massage

60 minutes: $80
Pregnancy massage is a style of bodywork designed specifically for pregnant women. Pregnancy is a time when a woman’s body endures tremendous stress, due to dramatic physical and emotional changes. Using various techniques specially developed for the expecting mother, pregnancy massage helps release the pain and discomfort experienced throughout pregnancy. The benefits are profound. They include emotional support, the relief of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, and improved breathing and relaxation.

Paraffin Wax Treatments

Mitts: $20 | Boots: $20
Paraffin wax treatments soothe muscles and joints, increase circulation, and mildly reduces inflammation. They are therapeutic, restorative, hydrating, and moisturizing. Paraffin wax treatment with mitts is ideal for contractures, trigger fingers, pre- and post-exercise sports recovery. Paraffin wax treatments with boots are ideal for joint and muscle issues, plantar fasciitis, dry or cracked heels, pre- and post- exercise sports recovery.

Oils, Salves, and Teas

Make sure to try our signature oils, teas, and salves. Choose herbal-infused oils and some healing salves for your session, then take the rest home for later use.

Contact Sarah McCrimmon LMT at Herbal Wise Therapeutic Massage

Herbal Wise Therapeutic Massage & Holistic Health offers all hours by appointment only.
Our accessible location has elevator convenience, with early evening or weekend appointments available. Contact massage therapist Sarah McCrimmon LMT by phone or email to schedule your session today. We look forward to hearing from you!